July 24, 2010

Expected End Ministries (part 3)

Katie Souza, Expected End Ministries. During our last photo session (EEM part 2) Katie was missing is action, actually she was in Canada... but for this session, it's all about Katie. During the Healing Light conference in Tempe, AZ, Katie stirs the audience with the word of God and His healing power. Here is a small sample of images taken during the conference.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 06, 2013

    Katie Souza came to our AGLOW Retreat here in the Phoenix Area within the last 9 years to talk to us about her God-given "Expected End" Ministries. Then She prophesied that a person had disease so I prayed that person would go forward. Then she mentioned some of those illnesses and one was "Epstein Barr" - which I had received as a diagnoses. So I went forward. She had all of the AGLOW women pray for me with her. I received healing as I fell to the ground. At that time I did not know much about faith healing, but I knew God worked miracles. God has since given me many more miracles. I know God loves us [who are not wise in the world's eyes but who choose to trust and obey Him] - just as He loves everyone. Miracles are for the unbelievers, that they may come to Jesus. Katie is a vessel God uses in many ways. I praise and thank God for her ministry to the lost, the ones who have lost hope, and yet she takes time to minister to all. Praise God. Marci Crabtree
