September 28, 2009

Walk for Hope

I am very proud to say that my beautiful wife Annie is a breast cancer SURVIVOR!! Annie and I have registered for the Walk for Hope because we refuse to let this terrible disease affect any more people than it already has, and we need your help. Walk for Hope supports breast cancer research, treatment and education at City of Hope, an amazing place that is saving lives every day.
Please support Annie and City of Hope's work, small donations add up to make a big difference. If you would like to join us in the fight against breast cancer, please visit Annie's (Walk for Hope website) and hit the big "Donate" button and make a tax-deductible donation.

Annie’s employer, FNF Construction Inc. (Tempe AZ) is proud to be an ongoing sponsor of City of Hope’s (Walk for Hope). Walk for Hope is a National Breast Cancer walk supporting breast cancer research, treatment and education at City of Hope, a National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center. The Walk for Hope event is family oriented and a great way to get involved in the fight against this terrible disease. Did you know, more than 200,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year? Meaning, another 200,000 of our mothers, sisters daughters, friends and loved ones will be affected by this terrible disease.

Annie and I want to personally THANK YOU for all your support, and if you would like to join us in the fight against breast cancer, please come and walk with us on Oct. 4th, at the Phoenix Zoo, or your can support us with a tax-deductible donation.
Thank you and God Bless.

You can support City of Hope’s groundbreaking research, education and treatment programs by making a tax-deductible donation online by clicking on the "pink" City of Hope link below, this will redirect you to Annie's donation page.

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